Minggu, 01 Maret 2020

Lets Review Jurnal!

Lets Review Jurnal!
mari kita cerita yang sedikit akademik, dengan bahasa yang santai gaapa ya

J U R N A L - 1

Individual and Regional Factors that Affect Fertility Rates
in Five Provinces of Indonesia

Penulis :
Umi Lutfiah (Faculty of Public Health, Universitas
Indonesia, Depok 15424, Indonesia)Besral (Department of
Biostatistics and Population Study, Faculty of Public
Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia)
Milla Herdayati (Department of Biostatistics and
Population Study, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas
Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia)

J U R N A L - 2

Adolescent Sexual Initiation and Pregnancy:
What More Can be Learned Through Further Analysis of
The Demographic and Health Surveys in The Philippines

BioMed Central (BMC)-Public Health
Christine Marie Habito
PhD candidate. Melbourne School of Population and Global Health University of Melbourne.
Cathy Vaugan 
Associate Professor. Gender and Women’s Health Unit; Melbourne School of Population and Global Health University of Melbourne
Alison Morgan
Associate Professor. Maternal, Sexual, and Reproductive Health Unit; Melbourne School of Population and Global Health University of Melbourne

J U R N A L - 3

Neonatal mortality:
an invisible and marginalised trauma

Mats Ma˚lqvist
International Maternal and Child Health, Department of
Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala
University, Sweden

J U R N A L - 4

Contraceptive Discontinuation and its Relation to Emergency Contraception Use among Undergraduate Women in Brazil

Christiane Borges do Nascimento Chofakian 
Direct-Entry Midwifery Program, School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Ana Luiza Vilela Borges
Dept of Public Health Nursing, University of São Paulo School of Nursing, São Paulo, Brazil
Caroline Moreau
Dept of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health, Bloomberg School of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, US
Osmara Alves dos Santos
Dept of Public Health Nursing, University of São Paulo School of Nursing, São Paulo, Brazil

J U R N A L - 5

Elderly’s Self-Rated Health Status and
Functional Capacity at the District Level in Indonesia

Evi Nurvidya Arifin
Peneliti Pusat Kajian Kelanjutusiaan Universitas Indonesia 
Eef Hogervorst
Ilmu Olahraga dan Kesehatan Universitas Loughborough, Britania Raya

jarang2 kan w ceritain ttg akademik, gpp si pingin menuangkan apa yang ada di kepala aja, biar bermanfaat blognya wkwk

jadi singkat cerita, matkul demografi lanjutan membuat kekritisan w terfasilitasi. cuman w baru menyadari aja kalo matkul ini semenarik dan sekeren itu. apalagi pas dah jadi yang presentasi, seakan2 w dah yang paling tau banget sama jurnalnya itu. tapi belum ngerasa maksimal juga si taunya. tapi dari situ ngerasa kekepoan dan keahlian berkomentar yang super detail ini terasah haha.
nah selain itu, matkul ini tu ngelatih kita juga buat tampil didepan umum,, kaya udh mau seminar saja gitu, tapi bareng2 seminarnya. nah karena pakai b inggris juga, jadi baca jurnalnya bener2 butuh effort, ini sih yang berat bgt untuk memulai diawal. but trust me, ketagihan!
kamu jadi merasa keren karena dimampukan sama Allah buat baca itu jurnal. waw bgt si untuk level diriku yang gpernah tertarik sama perjurnal-an. tapi ya semoga aja nanti memang bener2 bisa terjun di perjurnal-an dan bikin banyak karya yang bermanfaat luas disana. uwu.semangat UTS. makan 5 jurnal sehari ? OKE.

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